What to Expect
Your First Visit
You will have an initial spinal exam. After completing the necessary paperwork, you will have a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Erin or Dr. Bob to discuss any health concerns you may have. At that point, you will have a spinal exam and postural analysis along with any other tests the doctor requires. Your appointment with the doctor will last approximately 30-45 minutes.
We ask that you bring in paperwork filled out that you can download from this site. We also ask that you bring your insurance card so we can call your insurance to see how they will support you in your care. We ask all new patients to pay $50/individual or $75/family towards your first visit fees. This will go towards any deductible or co-pays that you may have. If after we check with your insurance you have neither, this money will come right back to you. (This will not apply if you are coming in on a special new patient promotion.)
Don’t wait! Contact us today to get started with custom care.
Regular Visits
After the investment of time needed on the first visit, follow up treatments are less time-consuming.
Expect to always review the progress of your health and response to your last adjustments. Otherwise, typical visits are much shorter. The adjustment itself only takes a few minutes so you don’t have to take too much time out of your day. That being said, your appointment is your time so if you have other concerns regarding your health, don’t be afraid to ask!
Contact us today to make an appointment.